Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers Houston

BrainBriefs: Odds and Ends From AAN

BrainBriefs: Odds and Ends from AAN
PHILADELPHIA — Analysis of diagnostic and treatment patterns at a group of primary care clinics revealed that many patients were almost certainly treated incorrectly, a researcher reported here. In other studies covered in this wrap-up from the …
Read more on MedPage Today

Correction:… Continue reading

Minnesota Channel – Myths of Addiction

Minnesota Channel – Myths of Addiction — When it comes to addiction to alcohol and other drugs, it seems everyone has an opinion. But not all opinions are based in fact. Many people harbor long-stan…

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MD Anderson Leverages IBM Watson in Cancer-Fighting Efforts

MD Anderson Leverages IBM Watson in Cancer-Fighting Efforts
The Texas capital is a key node in Watson, IBM's big artificial intelligence project, whose endeavors include a collaboration with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Widely known for its triumph against the best minds of the …… Continue reading

Watermelon Juice, 'Nature'S Viagra,' May Act as a Natural Erectile Dysfunction

Watermelon Juice, 'Nature's Viagra,' May Act As A Natural Erectile Dysfunction
Made up of 92 percent water, a great source of vitamin C, and only 71 calories per serving, watermelon juice has become a fad that has attracted both weight-loss hopefuls and those who want to treat their impotence.… Continue reading

Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction Treatment Centers (Ep.1)

Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction Treatment Centers (Ep.1) — Guest David takes the stage to share his experience, strength, and hope as a recovering addict with just shy of one. Sarah Michelle, 24, shares her story of …

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Have Your Say on Drug Abuse.?

Question by hot_but_taken_by_my_man: Have Your Say on Drug Abuse.?
I need to report on Drugs and drug abuse I was curious to know other people’s perspective on it. so please let me know!
Thanks 😀

Best answer:

Answer by eventfulnights82
ii wrote a whole essay on legalizing drugs…if you want… Continue reading

Living With Liver Disease – Hepatitis C Seems to Be Biting the Dust

Living with liver disease – hepatitis C seems to be biting the dust
Other medical centers abroad that conducted clinical trials on the new drug treatment were Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and the University of Texas-San Antonio. The Massachusetts center recently reported in The New England Journal… Continue reading

Need Help Finding a Drug Rehab Clinic for My Mom.?

Question by Jamie R: Need help finding a drug rehab clinic for my mom.?
My mom is on drugs, not sure what kind or anything she just called and said she wanted to get cleaned. That’s the first step right, so how can I get her the help she is… Continue reading

I Plan on Seeing a Therapist for the First Time…?

Question by Jon: I plan on seeing a therapist for the first time…?
what are some good questions to ask him/her to determine if they are a good choice for me? Please only answer if you have seen or seeing a therapist.

Best answer:

Answer by amy
How you feel… Continue reading

I Need to Know About a Free or Cheap Treatment Facility in Texas for My Son..?

Question by larkspur: I need to know about a free or cheap treatment facility in Texas for my son..?
My 17 yr old son needs help badly..he is into drugs and alcohol and lies, steals etc..i have tried everything i know of to try but they all tell me since… Continue reading