The Dark Power of Fraternities

The Dark Power of Fraternities
And so it was that Louis Helmburg III joined forces with Timothy P. Rosinsky, Esq., a slip-and-fall lawyer from Huntington who had experience also with dog-bite, DUI, car-repossession, and drug cases. The events of that night, laid out in Helmburg's …
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Bearing the scars of 'devil's drug'
Bearing the scars of 'devil's drug': Years after meth lab blasts, 2 women's pain and struggle are much more than skin deep. … The introduction of the shake-and-bake method accelerated the spread and use of the drug in Tennessee. In shake and bake …
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Newsweek cover Obama first gay president – College Prof. friend remembers Obama as a gay Marxist — After coming out for gay marriage, Barack Obama is now going to come out on the cover of Newsweek as the 1st gay president. But years ago a university colleg…

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