Meet 5 of the Low-Level Drug Offenders Obama Could Set Free. There Are

Meet 5 of the Low-Level Drug Offenders Obama Could Set Free. There Are
Those eligible to be set free will be prisoners convicted of low-level nonviolent crimes—mostly drug offenses—who have already served 10 years of their sentence, don't have a significant criminal history, and are serving out a sentence the would …
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Veterans court
Bruce Soloman, a readjustment counselor at the St. George Veterans Center, rises to speak during a city council meeting during which a veterans addiction recovery program was discussed April 17. / Trevor Christensen / The Spectrum & Daily News.
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More drug offenders eligible for clemency
The changes are part of a broader effort by the Obama administration to modify sentencing laws, allowing for use of rehabilitation and other alternatives to deal with non-violent drug offenders and those who previously faced tough mandatory minimum …
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Arcadia Recovery Center – Hope For Addiction Recovery – Payson Utah Drug Rehab — Arcadia Recovery Center wants all those to know whom struggle with the affliction of addiction… This Is Possible, There Is Hope And You Can Recover…

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