Massachusetts Declares Public Health Emergency Over Heroin Overdoses and

Massachusetts declares public health emergency over heroin overdoses and
Noting that painkillers often act as a route to heroin addiction, Patrick said he has temporarily banned the sale of the new drug Zohydro until it's proven that the necessary safeguards are in place to prevent abuse. As RT reported … Patrick's moves …
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James Boyd's dark journey
In one 2010 incident, Boyd struck a police officer, breaking her nose, as she tried to remove him from a public library. In a 2007 … Apparently, they also determined that there was no treatment or drug that could bring him to competency, McCall said …
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May 18, 2010 – Judge Peggy Hora’s talk on Drug Treatment Courts in the 21st Century. — Drug treatment courts are an excellent example of a successful deviation from established practice. They were created by sitting criminal court judges, overw…

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