Heroin treatment, overdose deaths rising in Iowa
The 2014 "Iowa Drug Control Strategy" report released in February by the Governor's Office of Drug Control Policy says that more than 51,000 clients were screened and admitted for substance abuse treatment in fiscal year 2013, the highest number of … Read more on Kansas City Star
Bob Lutz: Former college hero Raphael Toney tries to outscore personal demons
Former Wichitan Raphael Toney, right, with Rusty Boruff, executive director of the 180 Zone in Davenport, Iowa. This is a story about $ 2,000 that drove a wedge between a mother and her son. It's a tale about a man who at first meandered down the wrong … Read more on Kansas.com
Gregg County district attorney: Fake pot poses dilemma
In 2012, President Barack Obama signed into law the Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 2012. It banned synthetic compounds commonly … Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, after an Iowa teen committed suicide after using the drug. Synthetic marijuana has … Read more on Longview News-Journal