Are You Informed About the Drugging of Children in America?
Question by meatball7: Are you informed about the drugging of children in America?
November 12, 2006 — News organizations (NBC & CBS News) investigate and find that kids, including toddlers (!) are being given powerful psychotropic drugs in order to manage their behavior. Instead of providing human care, we are drugging these children because it is cheaper (in the short term, but not the long term) and because it is very lucrative for the pharmaceutical companies:
Best answer:
Answer by Rhianna
First, it isn’t “big pharma” who are prescribing drugs to anyone, – they are the manufactures of the drugs. It is Doctors who prescribe drugs (that have been approved by the FDA/NICE.) There has to be demonstrated evidence of safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness (UK) and these bodies know how to spot distorted data.
Now you’ve made some very childish assumptions.. this is a common problem with your ilk. You think that we choose not to treat the cause of disease, and instead use drugs as a cosh. Thats actually incorrect, but here’s the problem, what if there is no known cure in some cases? And no, these complex problems cannot be fixed by some fancy diet alone ( although sometimes adjustments in diet can reduce hyperactivity). However, we are not just taking about a hyperactive child, we are talking about children who have very complex mental disorders. In this situation should we stop providing short term management of distressing symptoms just because we cannot find a long term cure?
I dislike the idea of giving drugs to children as much as you. But in some limited cases it is the only alternative…Have you thought about the other side of the coin? Have you thought about how distressed the child sometimes is without drugs? This is something I have witnessed myself.
If you were dying of cancer and were in pain, should I refuse you pain relief because I cannot find a long term cure for cancer?
I do disagree with children being labelled as having various disorders so easily. It seems every problem behaviour has become a syndrome and I think certain drugs are over used. However, using money and financial gain as a reason why we do things in conventional medicine is fallacious, untrue in the vast majority of cases, and I think deep down you know it.
Answer by sophia
Yes i found a similar article 2 weeks ago and was shocked that this is even allowed to happen.
It is not necessary or even healthy to give these types of drugs to anyone let alone small children. There is nothing wrong with a healthy hyperactive child they just need various activities to keep their mind active not to be drugged up! Also this can create unnecessary side effects, and dependency from an early age.
This is an issue i feel very strongly about, and i agree that the only people who are benefiting from this are the pharmaceutical companies….
If you read the article above the government were actually trying to screen for mental Illness, How ridiculous is that?
Edit.. This is all about money and financial gain. I just found another video which actually talks to care workers who admit this..
Also when you hear real children speak about their experiences of being drugged up isn’t that enough proof?, so then how can anyone deny that this is going on?
Another video to confirm the dangers of anti-depressants.
Trajity.. I’m sorry to hear of your experience, and that being off the medication disrupted your life, but still if you watch the video, you will hear that being on such powerful drugs can leave such an Impact on a person, that when they try and come off them, they have terrible side effects, which in a way are caused from the dependancy of thedrugs, themselves. This often leads to the patient going back onto the drugs….I don’t know of your personal circumstances, but I really don’t feel that any young child needs these dangerous pshyco-tropic drugs, there are other less harmful ways to deal with things!
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