How Long Does It Take to Get Over a Drug Addiction?
Question by todomoho: how long does it take to get over a drug addiction?
lets say i know someone very close to me and i know that she smoked allot of marijuana mixed with allot of other horrible shit,(for a long long time) i need to know how long does it take to lose the addiction permanently.
she told me she hasent been on it for about 6-7 months now but whenever someone nearby is smoking she tells me how much she wants it again and how its still hard fighting the addiction. i dont know myself because i will never try it but i would think that she wouldent crave it anymore,
if shes really been off of it for so long it wouldent be out of her system thus no more craving ????
sorry if it sounds like i have repeated a little its past my bedtime and thanks in advanced
Best answer:
Answer by Pookeygirl
Addiction is a life long battle. A person can stay sober all their life which would be like remission, but it is a daily struggle, always.
Answer by White Boy
It can take a lifetime to get over a drug addiction. It doesn’t matter if it is out of her system. It is a mental illness. She will always crave it. Marijuana causes no physical dependency. It is all a mind game. It is a daily struggle getting over an addiction. I was addicted to pain pills and it was the hardest thing to quit because my body developed a chemical dependency to the drugs. Don’t give her a hard time, support and try to understand her.
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